Get Your Personalized Contract Review

Level of Service

Advocate Essential Interactive

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Essential: $399

Personal Information
Current Employment
New Employer
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If you are unable to obtain you documents in electronic form, you can fax them to us at 402-507-4477 or mail to us at: Pattern 7014 N 102nd Circle, Omaha, NE 68122

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Attorney Disclosures:

Please read the disclosures below:

1050 Connecticut Avenue NW, Tenth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20036-5334
Tel: 202.572.1000
Fax: 1.866.230.6247

Thank you for selecting The Holloman Law Group (“the Firm”) to review your employment contract. Please examine this Agreement carefully and let me know immediately if you have any questions or concerns. No work will be performed on your matter and no professional relationship will be established until you have both electronically signed and submitted this Agreement. An example of an electronic signature is /John Smith, MD/.

1. Attorney performing the review. Upon receipt of this signed Retainer Agreement, I, Roderick J. Holloman, on behalf of the Firm will review your employment contract(s).

2. Review Fee. The fee for the one-time review of your employment contract is dollars . As part of our commitment to provide the most skilled and comprehensive service in the industry, we have partnered with OnCall Advisors, LLC, a national financial services firm that works exclusively with healthcare providers. OnCall Advisors, LLC will assign a lead financial advisor to analyze and discuss the compensation and employee benefit components of your employment agreement at no additional cost to you. A portion of the Review Fee is paid to Pattern for its services.

3. What you expect from us. You should expect to be treated with respect and courtesy from all members of the Firm and you should promptly inform me of any failure on our part to meet this expectation. The Firm will work diligently on your matter and will keep you informed of any developments.

4. What we expect from you. In order to assist you, we need to have all the relevant documents provided to us in a timely manner. If we are missing part of the picture, we cannot effectively advise you.

5. Telephone calls. Attorneys, associates, and legal assistants are available to you during the Firm’s normal business hours of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. We understand that some matters will require communications outside of our normal business hours and we will make ourselves available when those instances arise.

6. Discontinuing the engagement. You have the right to terminate this engagement at any time. We reserve the right to terminate this engagement if you do not act in accordance with this Agreement or if there has been a breakdown of our working relationship.

7. Scope of engagement. Our assistance is limited to:

  • Line by line review and revision of your employment contract (including offer letters and associated materials);
  • Comprehensive compensation and employee benefit analysis (performed by Pattern);
  • Up to one hour of phone conference time to explain my findings and answer any questions you may have; and
  • Unlimited email correspondence.

Collectively, the above represents the Level Review. A separate agreement must be entered into if you wish for the Firm to represent you in other matters. The Firm reserves the right to decline future requests for representation without explanation.

We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and are delighted that you have selected The Holloman Law Group to assist you as you move into the next phase of your career.

Payment Information

Be Sure You Are Protected.

With Pattern, you get professionals that have years of experience. With us, you will receive counsel from an attorney that:

  • specializes in physician contract review and negotiation.
  • has extensive experience with physician contracts in the state where your offer is located
  • has experience in consulting physicians with YOUR specialty
  • has represented employers and knows how to anticipate their perspective during the negotiation
  • has a strong track record of getting employers to improve their offers for our clients

All our packages also include expertise in physician compensation and benefits. We know YOUR industry and have data that shows how much you should be making.