5 Red Flags: How Doctors Can Spot An Inferior Disability Insurance Policy

Overlooking these pitfalls could cost you your financial future.

Have you ever wondered if your disability insurance truly has your back?

The differences between a policy that protects your income and a policy that could leave your financial future in jeopardy are difficult to spot if you don’t know what to look for. 

Your busy schedule as a medical professional doesn’t leave much time to learn the ins and outs of disability insurance on your own.

The good news is Pattern has helped more than 20,000 doctors find the right disability insurance policy for their unique needs, so we know the red flags to look out for:

  1. The Definitions of Disability are too Broad: Look out for policies with vague or broad definitions of disability. A policy that doesn't offer "True Own-Occupation" coverage might not cover you if you're unable to perform in your medical specialty.

  2. Short Benefit Periods: Ideal policies provide benefits until retirement age. Shorter periods could leave you vulnerable.

  3. Non-Guaranteed Renewability: A policy that doesn't prevent the disability insurance companies from changing your policy terms – also known as guaranteed renewability – can leave you without coverage when you need it most.

  4. Lack of Inflation Protection: Without a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) rider, your benefits may not keep pace with inflation, diminishing your policy's value over time.

  5. Inadequate Coverage Amount: Ensure your policy covers a significant portion of your income. Inferior policies may offer minimal coverage, insufficient in times of need.

Take Control of Your Future Today

Whether you’re a resident,  fellow, or an attending physician, you deserve comprehensive and quick access to the right disability insurance. We're here to cut through the complexity and help you identify the best policy for your needs, without the back-and-forth hassle.

Don't let an injury or illness disrupt your financial future. Take 5 minutes to complete a free quote request and one of our expert advisors will compare policies for you side-by-side with no obligation to buy. Secure your policy – and your peace of mind – today.